Materials & Processes

Our company is distinguished by a deep culture of materials, especially wood and metal, which form the pillars of our production chain.

We are passionate explorers of different wood species, understanding the characteristics and exploiting its aesthetic and functional potential.

Metal is another key element, our true specialty. With skill, we shape and combine the two materials, resulting in unique and refined creations.


Careful craftsmanship is the secret behind our custom-made furniture, which is a testament to our commitment to excellence and the pursuit of harmony between form and substance.

Our attention to detail is evident in this careful selection, which is done with dedication and precision to ensure the highest quality and durability.
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Where we are

Headquarters and Production
Via del Cristo, 78
33044 Manzano UD
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To learn more

Download our brand book to learn about our services and projects.

© 2024 Arredamenti Livon Srl - P.I. IT02625920307